Making Everything Functional
My mission is to make everything Fortran development more functional for you. From your users to your developers to your product managers, I can make things easier for you.
Online Courses
Most Fortran courses and books focus on the mechanics of the language and the simplest approach to solving a specific problem. While this may work well for getting started, it misses a very important next step. I teach the tools and techniques to make you a more efficient developer, so you can finish projects faster, and write code that is easier to maintain and easier to reuse.
Open Source Libraries
Why reinvent the wheel? Get from idea to working code faster with libraries designed to be easy to use, and extensible in all the right places.
In Person Training
I tailor my in-person training sessions and seminars to your team and the problems they are facing. No more generic examples solving the same equations you've seen a dozen times in books and tutorials. I can give you the advice and techniques that will be the most beneficial on your project.
Got a particularly pernicious problem? Need some advice from a seasoned expert? Just want reassurance that you're on the right track? With me on your team you can rest assured that you've given your project the best possible chance for success.
In my 10 years of experience developing Fortran software I have found that most people tend to make it harder than it has to be. Let me make it easier for you.
All the Tools You Need to Succeed
Write code that is easier to understand and stop spending weeks hunting bugs and months implementing new features.
Write more reusable code, so you're not constantly reinventing the wheel.